
In this chapter, we looked at a ubiquitous facet of organizational life: conflict. We first conceptualized organizational conflict by defining conflict and considering the phases of conflict and the levels at which it can materialize. We then reviewed a number of methods for dealing with organizational conflict. We looked at the literature on conflict style and considered criticisms of the style approach. We then looked at more formal ways of settling organizational dispute: bargaining and negotiation. Then we considered third-party intervention
In the last section of the chapter, we looked at the number of factor that impinge on the conflict management process, including personal variables ( personality, gender, and frames ), relation variables ( hierarchical position and co-orientation ), and cultural variables. We concluded with a brief look at a feminist view of culture.
All of the approaches to organizational communication discussed in the first half of this textbook would view conflict as an important and interesting phenomenon , but in very different ways. As Table 9-6 indicates, classical theorists would see conflict as something that interrupts normal organizational
Table 9-6 Approaches to the Conflict Management Process
ตาราง 9 - 6 แนวทางในการบริหารความขัดแย้งที่โพรเซส



functioning. Thus, the classical manager would try to eliminate conflict in the most efficient way possible. The human relations manager, too, would want to eliminate conflict, but for different reasons. For this manager, conflict is an indication that relationships are not all they could be in the organization. Conflict should thus be dealt with in ways that wouldn’t rock the boat-perhaps through accommodating, avoiding, or compromising. In contrast, the human...