Together We Stand

Together We Stand


Together We Stand
In this town lived a small population of people. The people of the town grew into a close tight knit community. While living in this town the people there were happy and grew to rely on each other. The size of the town was a benefit to all because it caused the people of the town to become closer than those that lived in larger cities. The towns’ people had no issues and they lived for many years free from worry. Then the life of the community would become divided when the town people became ill. Between their happy life and an unexplained mysterious illness, the town was torn.
As the people in the town are becoming sick one by one it can be asked how, but first the question should be what exactly is making the community ill? Some cases range from mild symptoms such as headache and nausea to more moderate symptoms such as with the flu. In the most severe cases there are positive test results for cancers and even death. What is going on in the community to cause the onset of these symptoms and how did it happen? Investigations are taking place into the soil and water supply that the town has lived on and around since it was founded. There has not been any one thing that has been conclusive as of this moment. The Genetic tests were even given in the beginning in hopes that the family afflicted was to be the only one of its kind. Testing the soil and the water revealed something more shocking. There is evidence of contamination due to the negligence of the utility company.
Since the discovery of contaminants in the soil the towns’ people are waiting to find out what will happen from here. The company is responsible for this tragedy they have made and they need to apologize to the people and figure out what the next step is to resolve the problem. What the main question should be is how did the chemicals become a contaminator in the first place? The community needs to hold the utility company responsible and figure...