To Travel Far You Must Travel Deep

A woman is walking down a paved road, her eyes delving into its crevices and following the lines they create. In her head, a stroke becomes longer and longer as it stretches out in front of her eyes of imagination, broadening her sense of self. This stroke, a seemingly quixotic thought process that most would consider only child to be capable of, is bold and defined yet no one else can even begin to realize that this stroke is what allows her to be.

Our minds become us. Every human is exactly the same in that that somewhere inside our heads exists an imagination.
A typical DIY quality. Your mind’s way of becoming something more. It can’t leave things to be as they are and it must fix them; make them bigger and better and more powerful than life itself. It allows us to be always thinking and creative. Imagination reveals what the world could be. What we could be, if only that same mind we enjoyed as a child was still in our possession as we lost that innocence and naivety.

The person we become as maturity kicks in determines our ability to further form an identity for ourselves inside our heads. This person is who we yearn to be in all lanes of life. We strive to become this seemingly unattainable perfectly individual character with attributes that are charismatically positive and uplifting. The journey of personal discovery is the greatest journey one endures through the ups and downs of life, through the sunshine and hail, through the bananas and apple life throws at us.

But is there really a need to pursue ourselves in an effort to unearth “hidden qualities” within ourselves?
In modern philosophy, this concept of personal identity can be referred to as the diachronic problem of personal identity. It asks the question; is a person at one time the same person at another time? The mind-body problem examines the idea of how a supposedly non materialistic mind can influence a material body, and vice versa. Our perceptual experiences are dependent on...