Tma01 City Road

Drawing on what you have learned about City Road, outline some of the inequalities on a street that you know.

I have chosen to consider Bold Street in Liverpool city centre and the main inequalities that are present on the street.

Bold Street is famous for its cafés and for the Church of St Luke, which is situated at the top end. The bottom end contains more shops which are chain stores. Liverpool Central, Liverpool's main train station, can also be accessed via an entrance on Bold Street next to The Lyceum, a post office which was Europe's first lending library. The middle area contains bars as it leads towards Concert Square, a square containing clubs and bars, and the top end contains more independent shops and cafes. For the most part, Bold Street is pedestrianised and cars do not have access.

The essay will look at three inequalities and compare them with, if possible, similar inequalities on City Road.

The first one will look at different ethnic backgrounds and how they are represented within the street. I will then look at the commercial side of the street and an economic inequality. Finally I will look at provisions for people with disabilities and how they are able to access the street.

Firstly there is an uneven representation of ethnic shops in the street. Liverpool is a fairly multi cultural city and I can only think of one shop, Mattas that sells foods from around the world. This shop is always full of shoppers and has been there for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately there continues to be a gap in the market with ethnic shops as no other shops have opened like this one. In City Road, the African shop is a fantastic example of bringing culture into society while the producers of the goods in Africa making a fair wage for their produce. (Making Social Lives on City Road, scene 2)
Like on City Road, there are always new faces on Bold Street and many immigrants and tourists moving in and out of the city. (Making Social Lives on City...