Theories of Assessment

Theories, Principles & Models in Education & Training

Assignment 502

This assignment aims to investigate factors which affect learning and participation in relation to the authors current teaching role. In modern day teaching, the onus is shifting further and further away from teacher dictated methods of educational delivery, to methods that ensure the learner is placed at the heart of teaching and every individual within the classroom is considered and catered for. Advances in technology available to teachers and have contributed to a broadening of teaching styles, but this has mainly come about through the need to differentiate teaching more effectively to break down the barriers that exist between teacher and learner.

Engaging every learner is a difficult task and requires the teacher to have a depth of knowledge of teaching methods and theories. Learners are diverse and may differ in terms of age, gender, ability level, communication skills, confidence, learning styles and many other factors. The job of the teacher is to ensure these factors do not hinder individual learning and that success and achievement within the group is widespread and at a high level.

Learning theories are conceptual frameworks describing how information is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a world view, is acquired or changed and knowledge and skills retained.
Behaviourists’ look at learning as an aspect of conditioning and will advocate a system of rewards and targets in education. Educators who embrace cognitive theory believe that the definition of learning as a change in behaviour is too narrow and prefer to study the learner rather than their environment and in particular the complexities of human memory. Those who advocate constructivism believe that a learner's ability to learn relies to a large extent on what he already knows...