The Roles of Government Bodies in Schools

Homework 4.3   Describe the roles of government bodies

The Health and Safety Executive

The Health and safety Executive is the national independent governing body for the health and safety in the work place. They set out the framework for health and safety in the work place across the board including business,agriculture and education. The HSE was set up following the Health and Safety at work act 1974, which   made employers responsible for the health and safety of workers and visitors in the work place and in schools and on out of school activities, and encourages employees and visitors to the work place to be responsible for their own health and safety. Their main role in schools is to ensure head teachers, senior management teams and all staff in the setting including teachers and teaching assistants allow their pupils to learn and experience a wide range of learning experiences in a safe and risk assessed environment, they also encourage teachers to teach their pupils to be able to understand and assess risks for themselves, they do this by making school inspections, making sure staff have adequate training, health and safety awareness days and accident   and complaint investigations.


Safeguarding Children’s Board

They were establishes in 2006 as a result of the 2004 children's act and every child matters- which places a responsibility on anyone that comes in to contact with children on a daily basis to keep them safe and to protect the children’s health, development and welfare and covers everyone from teachers, doctors, nurses, parents and carers ect. The every child matters act sets out 5 main areas where children's welfare should be focused:-
1 To be healthy, 2 To be safe, 3 to enjoy and achieve, 4 To make a positive contribution and 5 to enjoy economic well being. It also encourages the...