The Role of the Health and Social Care Worker

1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship.
    A working relationship is different to a personal one, in a variety of ways. Ina working (professional) relationship I have set rules to adhere to, and policies and procedures laid out by my employer. I am held responsible/accountable for my actions. I do not let my personal opinions or feelings affect the relationship. My character and background are checked, via police (crb). I ‘address’ people differently, using their surname or title, Dr. for example. There are boundaries that should be recognized: personal space, ethics, not being ‘familiar’ or call service users ‘love’, for example.

1.2 Describe different working relationships in health and social care setting.

• Person in need to support.
• Person’s family.
• Person’s friends.
• Colleagues.
• Manager.
• Other care professionals.

2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role.

    It is important to work to the agreed scope of my role as it is part of my employment contract. Also I only do tasks that are agreed in that contract and that I am trained and qualified to perform. For instance if I am not medically trained, I do not undertake any duties with a service user, that require specialist medical training. For instance if I were asked to change a catheter bag, and had not been trained to do this, I may cause harm to the service user, and I would be accountable for this, not just my employer. I never undertake any task that I have no experience or training in. If that task work beyond my capabilities, I am putting people at risk.

2.2 Where can you access full and up-to-date details of agreed ways of working.
    Working in social care I am supporting many diverse groups of individuals, each placing considerable demands on me. My organization may operate a code of conduct policy which will inform me of my professional boundaries to service users. It is not good...