The Nurse's Role in the Prevention of Such Injuries in Children

Analyze The Evidence Related To The Pattern Of Injuries Among Children And Evaluate To The Nurse's Role In The Prevention Of Such Injuries In Children





Analyze The Evidence Related To The Pattern Of Injuries Among Children And Evaluate To The Nurse's Role In The Prevention Of Such Injuries In Children
      It is common knowledge that Injuries children are exposed to arise from a wide variety of activities that the children are engaged in. The peril contributes to child mortality rates in the world and specifically in Arabia. Most nurses are known to take precautionary measures that are aimed at ensuring that injuries to children are contained. Their actions arise from their treatment duties and efforts to visit homes in order to assess risk factors that are associated with child trauma. This assignment will discuss the roles of nurses in preventing trauma, common injuries in children that lead to hospitalization, statistics showing the prevalence injuries to children and statistics related to child injuries in Arabia. A study carried out in the United States by Kendrick, Marsh and Williams in 1995 sought to establish the how practice nurses see their role in prevention of childhood injuries. The study established that the role of practice nurses in preventing childhood injuries should   not be viewed in isolation but it should be viewed as part of their duties   as nurses.

Nurses play an important role in the prevention of childhood injuries (Ratrout 2012). Their role as primary health care givers includes activities aimed at preventing childhood injuries. One role of nurse’s role in prevention of childhood injuries is collection of data on childhood injuries. The data is used to identify the most common causes of childhood injuries in the society and then utilized to offer health education. Consequently, nurses play a role of participating in schemes that offer loans to be used for the...