The Metamorphosis

Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a well-known humanist theory. The concept involves five common human needs that must be satisfied in order to achieve a sense of fulfillment. Maslow’s theory is organized into a series of five concepts which are represented as a pyramid. The base of the pyramid consists of human physiological needs, such as air and food, without which life cannot be sustained. As the pyramid develops, as does a life, the needs become more complex and self based, leading to the pinnacle of humanity, self actualization. Many theorists have attempted to follow these principles, but the basic concepts remain the same. In the novella, The Metamorphosis, Kafka leads the reader to believe that Gregor has reached a place of self-fulfillment and accomplishment; yet as the book develops, Gregor regresses through the hierarchy of his needs to a point where he can no longer hang on to his life.
Gregor’s life was built around the other people in his life. He provided for his family and worked to pay off his parent’s debt. According to Maslow, Gregor had achieved a certain level of self actualization, which was torn down when he could no longer be a productive member of society. In the second level of the hierarchy of needs, it is theorized that one must reach a feeling of accomplishment. By working and providing for his family, Gregor felt a sense of success and triumph. However, as he was incapable of working after his change, his parents and his sister were left to provide for themselves. Guilt set in when Gregor realized the financial issues that arose for his family, despite the fact that he had no influence on his change. This guilt made Gregor feel as though his family couldn’t rely on him, and well as making it seem as though he didn’t accomplish anything even when he was capable of working. Before his transformation, Gregor had a close relationship with his family, and he spent time with them when he wasn’t occupied with work. For a while after...