The Malays' Journey

The Malays originated in Yunnan, China. The Proto-Malays were seafaring people who also known as Jakun. Probably, due to their seafaring way of life or trading, they were believed to have lived in coastal Borneo. They then expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. A Portuguese historian, Godinho de Eredia, referred to the Malays as Saletes (Orang Selat, or People of the Straits), who are descendants of the tribal proto-Malays mixed with modern Indian, Thai, Arab and Chinese blood. Some posts the majority of the Malays hold in Singapore include civil policemen, district government agents, servants, gardeners. Police service proved particularly popular, maybe because of the similarity to military work.

The Malays are indigenous to Singapore. Singapore's Constitution recognises Malay-Muslims as indigenous people of Singapore and commits the government to support and advance their lives.
They did face challenges during the World War II period. They were not completely spared by the Japanese. Those who rose up against them were also sent to work on the death railway and some of them were killed by the Japanese for showing anti-Japanese feelings against them. There are three main categories of Malays in Singapore. They are: Bugis, Javanese and Orang Laut.
The Bugis is an important branch of the entire Malay colony in Singapore. Its vast community here was mainly originated from the Celebes Islands in Indonesia. By the 1830s, it had established itself in Singapore and formed the majority of the pioneer communities in the Kampung Gelam area, which is now a famous tourist attraction in Singapore. Some of the Bugis were mercenary soldiers of the English Empire. They rarely lost and acquired a respectable reputation as fierce warriors. While the rest were usual farmers, traders and fishermen.
The Bugi cultures recognize five separate genders that are needed to keep the world in balance and harmony. They are makkunrai—feminine woman, calabai—feminine man,...