“the Main Reason for the Rise of Terrorism Within Nation-States Is the Discrimination of the Majority Towards the Minority”

The main reason for the rise of terrorism within nation-states is the discrimination of the majority towards the minority”. Do you agree? Explain your answer.

Discrimination of the majority towards the minority is one of the reasons for the rise of terrorism within nation-states. In Northern Ireland, the majority which is the Protestants discriminate against the minority, the Catholics in voting, which in its own way led to terrorism within the country. Before 1968, voting rights was an issue between the Protestants and the Catholics. The Protestants, in order to ensure that their power in Northern Ireland remained undiluted and permanent, changed the voting system and manipulated the voting boundaries to their advantage. At that time, each household was only entitled to 2 votes, only the ratepayers and their spouses could vote. This meant that other people living in the house, be it tenants, or older children living with their parents could not vote. This was unfair to the Catholics as the tenants and adult children living at home are usually Catholics due to their lower overall economic statute and larger households. Furthermore, business owners were given more votes based on how big and successful their company is. The Catholics were thus put at a disadvantage as the bigger businesses are usually owned by the richer Protestants, they ended up being able to votes more than once. This was unfair to the poorer Catholic population. Also, the Protestant government carried out gerrymandering, drawing up voting districts such that there are more Protestants in every district. Protestants would usually vote for their own Unionist government, and as proportional representation was abolished, the Protestants would end up being voted back into government. This caused the Catholics to be extremely unhappy and dissatisfied. They had lost whatever majority they had due to the unequal voting system and restriction of their voting right. Almost everyone in the government...