The Loaded Dog Distinctively Visual


The short story “The Loaded Dog”, written by Henry Lawson in 1901 displays a significant aspect of distinctively visual through Lawson’s effective and apparent use of imagery. Lawson’s effective use of imagery stimulates the reader’s five senses in order for the audience to visualize what is actually happening. Such a notion of distinctively visual is evident in Lawson’s childhood where he contracted a condition that affected his eyesight negatively, thus he relied heavily on his eyesight when writing his short stories such as The Loaded Dog. Therefore, it is apparent throughout the story that the concepts of distinctively visual have manifested and represented itself in the short story, The Loaded Dog.

An example of distinctively visual can be seen in the beginning paragraphs of the short story, but is more apparent as the story goes on. Such an example of distinctively visual is the use of tactile imagery in the line “They had struck some solid rock…” which entices the reader’s tactile sense evident in the words “solid rock”. This allows the reader to imagine how deep the characters are underground. Thus emphasizing the idea of distinctively visual manifesting itself within Lawson’s short story, The Loaded Dog.

The aspect of distinctively visual is apparent throughout The Loaded Dog as Lawson employs effective imagery throughout the story. The effective use of a visual imagery and alliteration is evident in the quote “an overgrown pup, a big, foolish, four footed mate who was always slobbering around them”. The employment of alliteration and imagery emphasis the notion of distinctively visual as it allows the reader to create an image of a friendly and playful dog dog of enormous proportions accompanying three people in their travels throughout the Australian outback. As a result, the use of such visual imagery allows the reader to visualize the environment the characters are in and makes it apparent that the concepts on...