The Learning Process

Unit 5 - The Learning Process
      1.1 Explain the development of young people and how this relates to learning

The brain is the most important organ of our body as it is our ‘control panel’. “The brain, with the spinal cord, comprises the body's central nervous system. This is the major control network for the body's functions and abilities: conscious communication with our body and automatic operation of vital organs” The brain has many functions and is separated into different areas; these areas of our brain are responsible for different functions, as figure 1 illustrates.

The brain and its development are also vital for learning.
Learning continues through life, from the moment of birth until the moment of death, it is often said that “you learn something new every day”, but although learning continues throughout our life, there are “prime times” where the brain is a “super sponge” this is when an area of the brain learns, or develops, the most.

One of these critical periods of brain development is between birth and the age of 4-5. During this time the temporal lobe of the brain where our visual and auditory skills are developed. Language development and learning to talk are most effected between the ages of birth to 10. A child’s physical and motor development is at its most active from birth to 12 years and the emotional and social development of a child is from birth to 12 also, with its most vulnerable stage between forming attachment from birth to around 18 months.
Many different factors or different circumstances in a child’s life can impact on this development and cause a delay, this delay can then affect a child’s learning. It is the role of the learning coach to support our leaners’ learning and develop strategies for learners to try to overcome these delays they may have in their development.

      1.2 Analyse relevant theories of learning
Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky is one of the earliest child psychologists with a learning theory, yet his theories...