The Key Concepts and Principles of Assessments

The purpose of assessment is to help assessors, EV’s and IV’s to determin a candidates level of skill in a particular area and to confirm training has taken place There are many other reasons to assess such as: Determining level of knowledge & understanding, Ensuring that learning is taking place, Checking progress, Adhering to course criteria, Providing a summary to learning.For the person doing the assessing, assessment means they can be confident that the student or candidate has the required level of knowledge on a particular topic or competency while completing   a certain task.   For the student or candidate, assessment offers reassurance of their own level of knowledge and competency.
The first part of the assessment process is to carry out an induction with the candidate to create an agreed plan for their assessment.   The assessor has the responsibility of inducting the candidate onto the course and explaining: How the course will be assessed, who will be involved in the assessment procese such as IV and EV and their roles during assessment, where assesments will take place and in which assessment format a given learning topic will be assessed. There are many ways to assess a candidates knowledge and competency including:- conversation, recordings, witness statements, observation. It is important to provide constructive feedback to encourage and guide the candidate through his/her learning. An agreed lesson plan will be tailored to the candidates learning needs and required learning outcome, in a fair and constructive way and give a clearer understanding of the learning that has taken place or will take place from which the learner can gain and build upon their progress using feedback and evidence of competences (including areas of weaknesses) using agreed methods between the learner and the assessor to achieve the desired outcome specific to qualification criteria