The Formal Absolutism of Rape

In wide and universally-recognized ideology it is possible to describe the violence as a negative practice which negatively affects the human well-being. Structurally and naturally, it may be physical, psychological, economical, sexual and spiritual violence. Indeed, the sexual violence refers to the practice of rape – the sexual affair without agreement of the victim. From the ancient times, when only the first civil communities had built their cities and megalopolises, people relied on the simple moral and theological values: not to kill, not to rob or steal and so on. It is not a coincidence that these formal ethically-moral standards have been kept until nowadays and will be definitely functioning to the ends of humanity. The violence, in fact, is always considered as the breaking of universally-recognized moral standards, as well as the rape which is also the part of violence. However, today, in time of practical moral chaos, it is important to find out, whether the violence and rape are the absolute evil in our life or there could be some critical exceptions, when it is allowed to be involved in the violation of human moral rules and natural laws.
      First, we should take apart the moral principles related to violence and its nature. The violence, in fact, is usually interpreted as an “absolute evil”. In this sense, the denial of violence is a practically moral program that confronts with real life. The moralizing absolutism of violence, however, has the opposite reaction in our society today: there is a very small social response to the ideas of non-violence, for example (Bourke 7). The important truth is that all people in the world sin from time to time. It is possible to regret about this fact, but no one can change it. Following the pragmatical analysis, we can focus on objective and value-oriented definition of violence – it is everything that connected with pain, suffering, murder, robbery and harm to other people. Such interpretation allows us to...