The Differences Between Leadership and Management

The Differences Between Leadership and Management
Managing Criminal Justice Organizations: CJ444-01

Management is the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals. Good managers do theses things both effectively and efficiently. To be effective is to achieve organizational goals; to be efficient is to achieve organizational goals and minimal waste of resources that is to make the best possible use of money time, materials and people. Some managers fail both criteria, or focus on one at the expense of another. The best managers maintain a clear focus on both ‘E’s”.  
Great managers not only adapt to changing conditions but also apply fundamental management principles, planning, organizing and controlling Planning is specifying the goals to be achieved and deciding in advance the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. Planning activities include analyzing current situations, anticipating the future; plans set the stage for action and mayjor achievements.
Organanizating coordinates and assembles the human, financial and physical information and other resources needed to achieve goals. Planning, organization does not guarantee success. Controlling, monitors performance and implements necessary changes. By controlling, managers make sure any organization’s resources are being used as planned and the organization is meeting its goals for quality and safety.
When managers implement their plans, they often find thingings are not working out as planned. The controlling function makes sure that goals are met.

  Effective managers are not necessarily true leader, many administrators and supervisors perform their responsibilities successfully without being great leaders. But these positions afford an opportunity for leadership. The ability to lead effectively, then, sets the excellent mangers apart from the average ones.
Management must deal with the ongoing, day to day complex organization, but true leadership includes...