The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is undoubtedly one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. Drafted by Thomas Jefferson the Declaration of Independence was America’s notice to the world of its new found freedom. It is a summary of "self-evident truths" and a list of grievances against King George that set America apart from England forever. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, he foresaw the coming of great changes within the times that he lived in.
    The way that Jefferson structured the Declaration of Independence made the article extremely influential. In the introduction of the document Jefferson explains to the rest of the world the reasons why the colonies wanted to revolt against the rule of England. The body of the document goes over the list of grievances and the reasons for their revolt against England. The conclusion simply consists of the signers and the pledges of The Declaration of Independence.
    In creating a smooth and logical transition from one paragraph to another, Jefferson uses a technique of first presenting the issue, why the people of American colonies should separate from Great Britain. He then states his thesis that, because of the tyranny of the King, the colonies must replace his rule with a new form of government. He then gave support toward the reason for his thesis by giving twenty-eight examples of all the wrongs tolerated by the Colonies. After the evidence, Jefferson refutes, contrary to the arguments by explaining how the Colonists humbly requested for the King to give them what they needed, to make up for what he had done to them, but the King mercilessly continued his exploitations. Finally, in his concluding paragraph, Jefferson restates his thesis and strengthens it by speaking for the representatives of the United States and outspokenly broke up all political connections between England and America.
    In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson uses the...