The Best Way for a Society to Prepare Its Young People for Leadership in Government, Industry or Other Fields Is by Instilling in Them a Sense of Cooperation, Not Competition.

The assertion that the best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry or other fields is by instilling in them spirit of cooperation & not competition is a controversial one. One viewpoint is that instilling the sense of cooperation in young individuals is the best way to prepare them for leadership in each and every field. While, the other viewpoint is that developing the sense of competition in the youth of the society is necessary to prepare it for the leadership in various fields. However, the final analysis is that developing the sense of cooperation in young individuals is the best way to prepare them for leadership in each and every field.

First of all, leadership, by definition is the quality of leading a group of people dedicated towards a common goal with the team members given specific work and are expected to deliver it. Any leader, who wishes to successfully lead a group of people, should ensure that a sense of cooperation and not competition drives the group. This is very quality that a leader should instill in his team stems from the very nature of the leader itself. People generally look up to their leader and emulate the attributes of the leader. The compelling reason for instilling a sense of cooperation over competition in young people is that effective leadership depends less on the latter than the former. A leader should show that he or she values the input of subordinates. For example, by involving them in decisions about matters in which they have a direct stake. Otherwise, subordinates might grow to resent their leader, and become unwilling to devote themselves wholeheartedly to the leader's mission. In extreme cases, they might even sabotage that mission, or even take their useful ideas to competitors. And after all, without other people worth leading a person cannot be a leader let alone an effective one. Hence, developing the sense of cooperation in young individuals rather than the sense of...