The Art of Negotiating

The Art of Negotiating
Jason Moss
Axia College of University of Phoenix

The Art of Negotiating

I believe the art of negotiating is a skill not all people have but would greatly benefit from the advantages of this skill. The art of negotiating is a skill people think they have but have never been formally taught the proper way to be effective when negotiating. This skill does not discriminate against age, gender, color, or race. If you can master this skill the world can become your playground.

The art of negotiating can be beneficial in so many ways like charities, better position at work, higher pay, discounts, for example: If you are looking to buy a used car and you have been searching and searching the internet, news paper ads, and used car lots but the price is more than you want to pay for a particular car you want. What would you do? Some people may try to negotiate the price down, this is natural but when they are denied they might give up too quickly and end up paying full price. Has anybody ever purchased something and left with that uncomfortable feeling like they just paid way too much for an item purchased? Only if they had the skills to negotiate effectively they may have saved several hundreds of dollars if successful. One thing to keep in mind is the person on the other side may have good negotiating skills as well if not better. If you ask me I would pay top dollar to learn the art of negotiating. I can’t think of one good reason not to take this course. Now think about how much money could have been saved in one year if on every item that was purchased whether it is a used car, computer, or a new pair of shoes. The amount of money that can be saved year after year can be enormous this skill if learned properly could be your retirement fund, 401k, all expenses paid vacation to anywhere in the world you want to go, we are not talking about chump change this is real money. Think about it, everyday that passes is money that is being thrown...