Test and Measurements

Written Assignment Two

By: Andrew Cromack

Essay versus multiple choice type classroom exams in the student’s perspective is what the article talked about. 174 junior high school students were given a test attitude inventory test to determine their attitudes and opinions about essay and multiple choice type tests. The test was a replicate of a similar test done on 101 seventh graders that was used in the first study of the test. The results from both tests were remarkably consistent, pointing to students who prefer multiple choice tests instead of essay tests. The practical significance of the results is discussed for classroom test construction and some suggestions that were made in the article are discussed as well.             Planning and developing a classroom test are extremely important as you need to specify the format for the test you are going to administer. Classroom test experts say that a particular format item should be determined by theoretical and practical situations that relate to the students. Some of these are as follows: how the test objectives are measured, degree of difficulty, scoring items, irrelevant sources, and precision of the test. Item formats are also extremely important and are classified into two broad categories. The more objection type classroom revolves around structured selection types such as multiple choices, true or false, and matching. This requires the test taker to select a correct answer among a number of given choices of correct answers increasing chances of success. While the more subjective construction type uses short answers and essays. This allows the teacher to examine the answers in a written form. This allows tests how much the student put to memory verses just remembering the answers to a particular test but requires the student to study more. Over the last three decades these two types of tests have become the most popular to implement among teachers. When choosing one format...