Teen Pregnancy

While reading through all of the chapters in class and at home, I was trying to think about what topic grabbed my attention the most throughout the chapters. Out of all the topics and subjects talked about, I decided to do my research paper on teen pregnancy. At Greenwood High School there are many pregnant girls roaming around and now there are television shows about teen mothers and just recently this topic struck my attention. Ever since television shows about teen mothers and moving on up into high school and seeing these mothers it made me wonder what all was really going on with teen pregnancy. I feel like there is an underlying cause to this outburst in the recent years making teen pregnancy likely to see in the younger generation of girls. I have an extremely strong interest in this topic. Researching would not be hard for me because there is so much information out in the world about teen pregnancy and having all my unanswered questions finally being answered will be great.
Becoming pregnant at such a young age will come with complications. Many teens that are pregnant are less likely to seek medical care during pregnancy (Bodeeb). Without proper medical attention there can be major complications for the baby and the mother that can include high blood pressure, anemia, and toxemia. Babies also born to teen mothers have a higher risk of being premature and having a low birth weight (Bing Health). Many teens need their parents to promote a healthy lifestyle while they are pregnant. Numerous ways to receive proper care for the teen mother and her baby is getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases, seek prenatal care, stay physically active, eating healthy, and avoid risky substances like alcohol or drugs (Bing Health). Inquiring about prenatal medical services is vital to any expecting mother, especially if they are a teen. Adolescents that are sixteen years of age and younger may still have pelvic bones growing and not fully developed yet (Cheour)....