Ted Hughes- Conflicting Perspective.

Conflicting Perspective

When we look at any text, we must remember the fact that those wriiting it, had like everyone else, baggage. The experiences, thoughts, and beliefs, that affected the way they saw things, that gave them a different perspective to everyone else. And at times these veiws conflict with the ones that other people hold.
Within Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath's lives there were many warring veiws and it is evident in their poetry.
In this speech I will talk to you about Syvlia's poem 'Daddy', 'Syvlia' the movie, directed by Christine Jeffs, and Ted Hughes' 'The Minotaur' and 'Fullbright Scholars.'

The poem Daddy is directed at her father, the use of the world Daddy rather than 'father' or 'dad' shows that Sylvia was in a state or arrested devlopment. She has not been able to resolve her resent or bitterness when her father "Died before [she] had time." We can see that there are two differrent feeling she has towards her father, that of anger and that of adoration. She tried to kill herself at twenty to get 'back back back' to him. The repitition of back gives it a childlike feel once more. Accompained with the reptition of the 'oo' sound it serves to make it sound like a dark nursery ryhme. In this poem she twice mentions that she is 'through'. It is an angry outburst at her father where at the end she professes to be finished with him. "Daddy, daddy you bastard I'm through." But it is not just to her father she is directing this poem, it is also to the 'man with the meinkempf' look, Ted Hughes, who she also believed was an opressor, comparing him in a metaphor to a vampire who sucked the life out of her. Although this is her perspective it conflicts with Ted Hughes' who beliieved that he was nurturing of her creativity, and encouraging her poetry. In the Minotaur he quotes himself after one of Syvlia's rages, "Get that shoulder under your stanzas/ And we'll be away."
Hughes does not seem to believe that his callousness and infedility was...