Teaching Assistance Unit 3

Understand child and young person development

A child’s development continues throughout their lives and is measured in different ways, although children develop at different rates and sometimes in different ways, their development will sometimes be the same as all children need to have developed one skill E.G. walking before they can move on to running, Specialists may use a timeline broken down to ages to assess a child’s development. Development is sometimes a lot faster in the early years as their milestones are quiet close together until the child reaches a certain age when they will become further apart. Development is measured in different ways ranging from physical to intelligence. Physical development is very fast in the child development as within the few weeks of a baby being born they are smiling and try to react to any noise around them mostly, by time a child is six months old the muscles should have started to develop as they will attempt to reach items to put them in their mouths E.g. a spoon to try feed themselves.

1-year-old | Child should be shuffling, Pulling or pushing themselves on the sofa to stand up, they should be trying to sit up with no help, they may also be interested in objects and pass the between hands and hand eye coordination may also be improving solid food may also be introduced to get the child into different textures |
1 year and 2 years’ old | Child may start try to walk, they will also try to feed themselves to become more independent, they will also decide which hand they prefer whether it be left or right, they will also start to be more vocal and using their head more   |
2 and 3 years’ old | Will make marks on paper with pencil as they learn which will be there dominate hand, they will learn how to throw a ball. Lego will be used to build towers |
3 years’ old | will begin to have more independence. Their mobility and climbing skills will be advancing as they run, jump and catch. Dressing and...