Tda 33.3

Task 1

A- Create a positive learning environment.

Before the present KS1/KS2 started, I spent a day with the other TA’s & class teacher’s   helping to prepare the classroom’s – making sure that it was going to be a positive learning environment for them to come in to. We:

• Filled the classroom with bright quotes & messages.
• Had a seating plan ready so the children knew where they were going to sit.
• Grouped the tables so the children were facing each other & able to stimulate conversations when needed.
• Made a bright book corner for quiet time in year 4.
• Created a special place to display the children’s art and writing.
• Put up a ‘Bubble time’ poster that the children could put their names on if they needed a chat with one of the adults in class.

When the children started the class teacher made sure they knew the classroom rules & I wrote down the ideas for the class charter. I then laminated this & put it up on the wall to remind the children what their ‘Rights & Responsibilities ‘are.
I make sure that I provide positive feedback in class, through the school & on the playground.

B- Ensure that pupils are well-behaved and on task

I am normally asked to support in class, what the teacher has just taught or instructed. I sometimes find that there are children who will start working when they haven’t quite understood what was asked of them. For example, I had a child in year 4 who started working on some ‘Funny bones’ literacy. When I asked them if they had understood what the teacher had said, they just shook their head & got quite irate. This child had been talking & so had not fully heard what was asked of them. They had then not wanted to ask for fear of getting into trouble. I had to spend a little time with this child keeping them on track & on task. I used stickers as a reward for this child & also house points. The end result was well worth it.

C- Encourage group cohesion and collaborative learning

In year 6, I...