Taylor vs Mayo

MMMFredrick Winslow Taylor
Fredrick Winslow Taylor (March 20, 1856- March 21, 1915) who was also known as the ‘father of scientific management’ was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He belonged to the era of industrial revolution.
Positions held:-
Ø In 1874, he became an apprentice mechanist, learning factory conditions at the grass roots level.
Ø In 1884, he became an executive at the Midvale steel company by demonstrating his leadership abilities.
Ø In 1898, he joined the Bethlehem Iron Company. He increased the staff and made Bethlehem a show place for inventive work.

George Elton Mayo
George Elton Mayo (December 26, 1880 – September 7, 1949) was a psychologists and sociologist.
He is known as the founder of the Human Relations Movement, and is known for his research including the Hawthorne studies, and his book The Social Problems of an Industrialized Civilization (1933).
Ø In 1926, he became the director of the department of industrial research at Harvard university

Scientific Management
Scientific management was the first attempt to systematically treat management and process improvement as a scientific problem.The systematic study of the relationships between people and tasks for the purpose of redesigning the work process for higher efficiency. Defined by Frederick Taylor in the late 1800’s to replace informal rule of thumb knowledge. Taylor sought to reduce the time a worker spent on each task by optimizing the way the task was done.

Drawbacks of Scientific Management
Managers frequently implemented only the increased output side of Taylor’s plan.
  - Workers did not share in the increased output.
Specialized jobs became very boring, dull.
  - Workers ended up distrusting the Scientific Management method.
Workers could purposely “under-perform.”
  - Management responded with increased use of machines and conveyors belts.
While scientific management principles improved productivity and...