Supporting Teaching and Learning

AC 1.2 Explain the importance of promoting the rights of all children and young people to participation and equality of access.

It is extremely important that children are allowed to participate as this is their basic human right, by being allowed to participate, they are given a voice and will feel that they are contributing to their own learning.   It also allows them to feel valued as individuals.   When children are allowed to participate in group activities it helps them to learn how to interact with each other.
In our school we have a school council which all children are encouraged to take part in by giving their ideas and opinions to their representative, who in turn takes it to the head teacher, and the ideas are discussed.   This form of participation is valuable to all concerned as it promotes confidence in the children.

Promoting the rights of equality of access is as equally important as every child needs to know that they are important, and have the same right to learning as their peers, irrespective of their race, culture, gender, background, disability or additional need.   Children all like to be treated the same, this is not always possible, but it is important for a child’s self confidence that they are doing something similar to the rest of their classmates, so despite a child maybe having a disability, an activity or lesson may need to be adapted to allow that child access to learn. The same thing would have to be done if English wasn’t a child’s first language, resources would need to be found on the topic to allow that child to take part in the lesson, even if their work was at a different level.

Bibliography   Supporting teaching and learning in schools by Louise Burnham and Brenda Baker