Supporting Childrens and Young Persons Positive Behaviour

Unit 8- support children and young people’s positive behaviour
Know the policies and procedures of the setting for promoting children and young peoples positive behaviour
When we are dealing with childrens behaviour, the staff must stick to the school policies at all times. Staff must know where the guidelines are at all times so if they don’t know them, they can look to them to refer them. They need to take health and safety, child protection and the bullying policies into the equation just in case they need to handle the child. The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting positive behaviour cover the following : behaviour, cose of conduct, rewards and sanctions, dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour, anti bullying and attendance.
The schools behaviour policy is important as it acts as guidelines to the staff and how to manage the childrens behaviour. It must be shown all throughout school at all times. There may be serious consequences if not applied.
Code of conduct is essential in schools. They are shown to pupils on how to behave properly in school, this shows they will have a clearer understanding of the rules throughout the school. They need to be aware of the boundaries and how to manage them, so no hitting, keep hands and feet to themselves. Schools will have different consequences, so sent out of class, reported to headteacher, miss break and lunchtime. Children must understand what each rule means, the staff may say what they mean to them in the childrens language so they understand. Pupils may be repeated of the rules if they misbehave, and then they will be given their punishment. It is important that staff recognise bad behaviour, otherwise the pupils may keep misbehaving or do worse things, so its important that you eliminate it early. Staff may praise pupils, this may result in more behaving in schools.
Rewards and sanctions is always suitable if the pupils are being good and following rules and codes, so you...