Subculture Notes

Hall, Stuart, Jefferson, Tony (1976) Resistance through Rituals, London: Hutchinson

‘Subcultures, Cultures and Classes’

‘Youth appeared as an emergent category in post-war Britian, one of the most striking   and visible manifestations of social change in the period’ (P9)

‘It [youth] was signified as a social problem by the moral guardians of society- something we ought to do something about’ (p9)

Discussion of meaning of culture and an immediate shift to look at the menaing and definition og youth culture.

The culture of a group or class is the peculiar and distinctive ‘way of life’ of a group or class, the meanings, values and ideas embodied in institutions, in social relations, in systems of beliefs, in mores and customs, in the uses of objects and kmaterial life’ (p10)

This seems similar to an anthropological definition og culture as a way of life. It denotes the way that youth culture is a social construction, not in any artificial way but in ways that relate to real life as it is lived.

Use a gramscian conceptualisation of organic (relatively permanent) movements and conjunctural movements (occasional, immediate almost accidental).

These movements are related to class and culture but not necessarily so. Ie age groups or gender can become real movements in a political sense

The power to represent is seen as coming from the power of the ruling class and the authors use a Marxiwst framework to understand culture and class

Youth subcultures operate within already existing social classes. They also operate in relation to the dominant culture in any society.

For youth subcultures they will do a double articulation of subcultures in relation to the parent class culture and to the domninant class culture

The account of subcultures ‘relates only to those sections of working-class or middle-class youth where a response to their situation took a distinctive sub-cultural form’ P16)

But they acknowledge ‘ they may be less...