
The Diary Entries of Wiley Adamson

Dear Diary,

Today the class got a new teacher.   He use to be a football coach and his name is Mr. Hughes. Well at least he use to be Mr. Hughes. As of today he is now Mr. Huge. Either then that of course, Snoopy was annoying Jeff and I as well. He kept babbling on and on about how Jeff and I can make any nickname stick. As if! If it doesn’t suit the person it won’t stick. I believe they call that common sense. Anyways Jeff and I had to come up with a nickname for the dullest kid in school, Mike. We decided Iceman because he’s so dull. Pretty lame isn’t it? Anyways until next time,


Dear Diary,

Today Mr. Huge acted like a total menace. He was jumping around and blowing on his whistle as we did a pop quiz. Talk about crazy. We also got a new student. Her name is Cassandra. She has red hair and she wears these combat boots and this weird skirt. Looks like Jeff and I need to think of a new nickname. Anyways until next time,


Dear Diary,

After school Jeff and I bumped into the new girl, Cassandra. She was roller blading and after a while she went dazed and then started talking about this blue-crested warbler sparrow. It’s an endangered species or something like that. Jeff and I even came up with a few nicknames for Cassandra but for some reason none of them seem good enough. Anyways until next time,


Dear Diary,

Today was a pretty busy day. Mr. Huge wasn’t proud of the nickname Jeff and I gave our class, the Dim Bulbs. Worst of all, he drove us crazy when we did the practice test for the state reading test. Is that ever annoying? Not only that though but Cassandra actually spoke up to Mr. Huge because he was calling her a man when she’s a girl. It was pretty cool to watch. Jeff and I even went to her house after school. Only to be nice of course. Sadly, we had to put up with 3 hours of Endangered Species Monopoly. Never again will I do that. Anyways until next time,

