Study of Earth

Our Earth is comprised of four subsystems. These four subsystems are: lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere. Each of these layers holds its own function in helping to sustain the Earth and life on it.
Lithosphere is the layer which deals with the land. This lithosphere is the outer most layer or the crust. It also acts as a lid of sorts, keeping the pressure and heat trapped inside.
The hydrosphere deals with the water. The hydrosphere involves all water elements whether inside, on the surface, or in the air. Although not a major stock holder in the mass of the Earth, it is around 71% of the surface.
The biosphere is the sum of the ecosystems. It basically wraps up all of the living systems and grows or evolves with the changes made over time.
The atmosphere is a series of gases and airs surrounding the Earth. It doesn’t only contain our oxygen, but also deflects and shields us from harmful radiation and UV overexposure.
Even though these are all separate systems, they all interact with each other too. The heat from the Earth evaporates water in the hydrosphere which hits the atmosphere and falls back to the Earth in the form of rain. This rain nourishes the crust, or lithosphere which produces life that is watched and managed through the biosphere.
All of these actions are what makes our Earth a living, breathing, creation. Like our bodies and the organs that maintain them, the Earth needs the subsystems to survive.