Speeches Hsc 2010

‘The value of great speeches is that they effectively convey important ideas that continue to speak to us.’
To what extent does your interpretation of TWO of the prescribed speeches support this view?
Selected Speeches:
Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, Statement to the Knesset, 20 November, 1977.   Translated from Hebrew.
Prime Minister, The Hon. P.J. Keating MP, Remembrance Day Speech, Eulogy at the Funeral Service of the Unknown Australian Soldier, 11 November, 1993.

When the Egyptian President Anwar Sadat addressed the Israeli parliament on November 20, 1977, he planted a seed for peace and a hope for a better future in the Middle East. The frankness and sincerity in Sadat’s words led to peace between Egypt and Israel and inspired peace between Israel and Jordan, and today, as the conflict ebbs and flows in the region, his seed of hope remains, not dormant but still to fully germinate. From the eulogy at “The Funeral Service of the Unknown Australian Soldier” delivered sincerely and sombrely by Prime Minister Keating in 1993, a timeless tribute has been formed in the minds of all Australians and an enduring message that “in the sacrifice of the men and women whose names are recorded here, there is faith enough for all of us.”   With the use of various rhetorical devices, combined with sincerity, honesty and commitment, Sadat and Keating have effectively conveyed the important ideas in their speeches by successfully engaging not only their audiences but those of the future.
In 1973, Egypt, together with Syria, engaged in a war with Israel in an attempt to reclaim parts of the Sinai Peninsular, which had been subjugated by Israel in the Six Day War in 1967. The Arab-Israeli conflict has been an epic struggle within the Middle East since biblical times and with Sadat’s victory, Egyptian morale was restored which then enabled him to initiate his Nobel Prize winning peace proposal of 1977.
Sadat employed strong rhetorical techniques to convey his idea of a...