Sop in Puplic Health

My name is Suha saleh a dentist who graduated from university of Jordan at my home city Amman. Being in health-care related major has been a second nature to me since my childhood. One of my earliest memories involves me being around hospitals, as my mom was pregnancy miracle with three twins. She was living the dream of having three kids in the same age. It was a long struggle story for her at the same time; she was desperately trying to find the necessary medical assistance. It was even getting harder and harder with time as the developments of the three fetuses are increasing dramatically. My mom used to have lots of health related problems with her pregnancy of three twins and she was never able to find the required health care at the right time that she always needed. Sadly; she delivered the three twins after 7-months of pregnancy and they all died right after the delivery because of the lack of necessary scheduled health-care before and after the delivery.
 From my frequent trips to the hospital, I was keenly aware of the negative effects of poorly experienced hospital management and badly managed health-care systems on people around me. Nevertheless, these games triggered my fascination with health related majors and health-administration. Years later, I have worked my way through to join one of the best and most competitive health majors which is dentistry. Dentistry school was one of the highly recommended majors in which I could combine health, care, science and management. My undergraduate years were full of enthusiasm, ambition, and love of offering help to others. One of the most inspirational courses ever in my undergraduate work was the one in which it required us to perform a health-care needs assessment of a group of poor rural part of the society. The course required us to perform a medical needs assessment of the population based on self-reported health database, and to propose a health budget and program that would successfully target these...