
Using material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that there is greater diversity of family types and lifestyles today. [24 marks]
Item 2B
Life course analysis suggests that there is flexibility and variation in people’s family lives. Individuals make decisions and choices at different times in their lives and this determines how their lives turn out. Postmodernists argue that we no longer have clear structures such as the nuclear family, but instead individuals have greater choice. This means that there is greater fragmentation and diversity of family types and lifestyles.
Other sociologists suggest that this range of choices is exaggerated and that society’s structures and expectations still have a large influence on family types and relationships.
Item 2B
Life course analysis suggests that there is flexibility and variation in people’s family lives. Individuals make decisions and choices at different times in their lives and this determines how their lives turn out. Postmodernists argue that we no longer have clear structures such as the nuclear family, but instead individuals have greater choice. This means that there is greater fragmentation and diversity of family types and lifestyles.
Other sociologists suggest that this range of choices is exaggerated and that society’s structures and expectations still have a large influence on family types and relationships.

Suggested sociologists and key terms Supported by Feminists
Allan & Crow
Roseneil & Budgeon
Grundy & Henretta

Sexual diversity
Civil partnership
Range of families – single parent, beanpole, re-constituted families
Role of government in supporting diversity – New Labour views

Suggested sociologists and key terms Supported by Feminists
Allan & Crow
Roseneil & Budgeon
Grundy & Henretta

Sexual diversity
Civil partnership
Range of families – single parent, beanpole, re-constituted...