Sociology in Health and Social Care

Sociology Assignment

Anthony Giddens provides us with the following general definition of sociology:
“Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies. It is a dazzling and compelling enterprise, having as its subject matter our own behaviour as social beings. The scope of sociology is extremely wide, ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individuals in the street up to the investigation of world-wide social processes.” (Giddens and Griffiths, 2006)
But what makes a society diverse are the different cultures and sub-cultures contained within them, and culture refers to the language, values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life. It is a defining element of society. By studying society we discover how people's membership of social groups (such as families) influences, shapes and, in some respects, determines their individual self-perception (how people "see" themselves) and, most importantly perhaps, their behaviour. We tend to follow the example handed down to us by our parents and poor choices certainly come into that category. We are more likely to smoke, drink and take less exercise if our parents did the same.
From an early age we are being socialized. That is, we are being taught about acceptable values and how to behave and think. This is done through family at first, then as we get older and start attending school, through our friends and different social groups we may belong to. This process should give us the necessary tools to act in an approved manner and become a valued member of the society to which we were born.
Here in the United Kingdom we live in a Meritocratic Society, (a hierarchy based on achievement and ability) a phrase coined by the sociologist Michael Young, (FOX, 2015) and first used in his biting futuristic satire ''The Rise of the Meritocracy.'' This means that people’s success in life depends primarily on their talents, abilities and effort, i.e. their...