Social Theory

SCW 205 – The Theory and Practice of Social Work Problems

Module Leader: Andrea Collins

Due Date: 5th May 2006

Assessment 1: With reference to one of the social problems discussed in the module, in no more than 500 words, outline the extent to which you think people bring the social problem upon themselves.

Assessment 2:   In no more than 750 words each, answer two of the set questions analysing data from Social Trends.

Assessment 3:   Choose any of the social problems discussed and in no more than 1000 words each, answer the following two questions:-
        i) identify the main obstacles that practitioners face when working with (insert name of social problem);
      ii) explain how, in practice, using a case study of your own design involving an individual person, you would begin to overcome the problems identified
Assessment 1:   Ill Health

There is powerful evidence that social disadvantage is associated with increased chances of profound ill health, reflected in the incidence of illness and reduced life expectancy (Graham, 2000a).   Relative poverty is deeply implicated in people’s susceptibility to ill health.   In the UK, a child from social class IV or V has a 40 per cent higher chance of dying during the first year of life than a child from social class I or II (Independent Inquiry, 1998).

Socio-economic differences in the risk of ill health persist throughout the life course.   Poverty interacts with other dimensions of structural inequalities, such as racism and sexism.   Nazroo (1997) found that members of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations in the United Kingdom, four-fifths of whom live in relative poverty, were on average 50 per cent more likely to report ill health than either the majority white population, or Indian and Chinese respondents.   Similarly, the complex interaction of gender and poverty with physical well-being is reflected in damage to health through accidents, violence and suicide, as well as illness.   For...