Social Stratification in the Us

Social Stratification in the Contemporary United States
Social inequality is a general aspect that characterize virtually all societies a cross the world. This has to do with an individual’s position in the society which is usually determined by the economic advantage, power and prestige. Social stratification can be referred to as the hierarchical position that the society divides its people based on the economic advantages which in turn have an influence on their social position within the society. The social stratification results into social classes which are a group of individuals who shares similar status based on the wealth, power and prestige associated with their stratification. Stratification therefore stems from inequality in the society as some individuals are ranked higher in status compared to the others. Social inequality is a situation where the different individuals have unequal access to wealth, power, and prestige in the society. Social stratification in turn influences the individual’s behavior, attitudes and chances in life (Cuber & Kenkel, p 6).
Racism has been one index that has been used in social stratification where the whites have seen themselves being superior to the black people. In the United States, racism is a problem that has refused to go a way and its influences are still being felt even though it is not blatant. There is a conflicting situation between the whites and the blacks in regard to equality within the American society. This paper shall explore the social stratification in the United States specifically in regard to racial discrimination.
Background on Racial Stratification in the United States:
Racial discrimination has been a major problem in the United States since the colonial times. Though racism has been directed towards the minority groups, the African Americans have had to bear the heaviest burden (Cuber & Kenkel, p 3). In the United States, various issues since the mid of the 20th century...