Social Policy Analysis – Elder Abuse

Social policy Analysis – Elder Abuse
The purpose of this document is to introduce the concept of elder abuse as a social issue and to discuss the policies enacted to address this ongoing problem. The first section of the document will discuss the policy itself, its history, the problem it addresses, as well as its goals, objectives and its implementation.   It will go on to address the public perceptions of the issue and the outcomes of the policy itself, its intended and unintended consequences, the intent of the legislation that has been passed to address the issue and the sections of the populations that are affected, both positively and negatively by its implementation.   In the second section of the document will be a critique of the client systems and the duties of the social work profession as they relate to elder abuse policies and thoughts on potential changes set forth to possibly improve the current state of the system.
The term elder abuse is a term that most associate with the physical mistreatment of an elderly person, but its true definition is much more encompassing.   The fact that when most people hear the term there is an automatic association with “granny battering” just shows that more attention is needed in the effort to bring the entirety of the issue into the public eye.   The issue can involve spousal relationships, adult children, relatives, friends, caregivers or anyone within whom the elderly victim has placed their trust.   Other behaviors that may be considered under the umbrella of abuse can depend upon duration, frequency, intensity, intent, and consequences (Wolf, 2014).
In the latter part of the 1970’s the concept of elder abuse became a matter of public awareness, but the real beginnings of today’s current social policies on the matter began in the 1950’s.   It was then that congress passed legislation that amended the Social Security Act which released funds to the various states to set up protective service...