Social Change and Modernization

CheckPoint: Social Change and Modernization

Social change is the transformation of culture and social institutions over time. It’s a constant ongoing process. Part of this process is due to technological change, for example the growth of the internet. Another example of social change is the size and reach of the government.   Change can be planned but its results are often unknown or unexpected. The development of the automobile is an example of this, another is workers fearing that machines which help advance society will replace them

There are controversial consequences of social change.   Sometimes social change can cause a society to view how and the way they live their lives.

Some social changes matter more than others. Such as fads which can quickly fade as opposed to computers or cars which make a more lasting impact on society.

Four examples of modernization and the key features are:

The loss of small communities. This decline in the small groups and towns have led to the loss of an individual’s identity, purpose and belonging.

Personal choice. As peoples choices have expanded, the traditions once followed have weakened people’s lives become a never ending series of choices and the term lifestyle has emerged meaning that people feel more empowered to take control of their lives.

The increase of social diversity.   As more traditions fall and people have learned to make more and more choices a blending of people has led to the encouragement of the diverse cultural beliefs of others.

Looking towards the future and the realization of the awareness of time.   In ancient times people tended to think about the past, while in modern times more people look towards the future.

Social Change and Modernization