Smoking Advertisement in Stores

English 255
June 29, 2010
Smoking Advertisements in Stores

According to statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, today more than 4,400 U.S. teenagers will start smoking per day; a number of these adolescents will be lured to cigarettes by advertisements and movies that feature sophisticated models and actors, suggesting that smoking is a glamorous, grown-up activity (Fine, Gold, and Land). When an industry purposely targets children and insists in selling their chemical-based product by falsely identifying their product as sweet candy, then I have a problem with the tactics that are being used. One has to acknowledge that the method the tobacco industry uses in advertising in stores is purely wrong, and the government should step in and start regulating these corner stores with fines.
When I was in 7th grade, I remember how I used to walk to St. Anthony’s School in the early mornings of winter, and walk back home around 3pm. The only difference between my walks from school and to my house was the one stop I made every afternoon at a corner store located on Folsom Street and 25th Street. I used to stop there because I always purchased bubblegum in the shape of cigarettes. I kept buying the same thing because I used to pretend to be a grown up. The bubblegum was wrapped in white thin paper. When I placed this cigarette shape bubblegum to my lips, I could actually blow on it and white powder would come out from the other end just like a real cigarette, but without the chemicals. Above the candy racks, I could vividly see all the cigarette advertisements that in a way connected with me through this cigarette shape bubblegum. Back then I was to small and naïve to understand the concept of the tobacco industry, but now I understand the reasoning behind tobacco industries placing cigarette advertisements close to candy racks at local corner stores. They wanted me to think of cigarettes as another candy bar coming off...