
Individuals tend to seek answers and question their family and culture background in order to feel a sense of belonging. There are many concepts of belonging whether it is to belong or not belong. It’s about fitting into a group or a society to which an individual either feels accepted or wants to be accepted in order to belong throughout one’s life. Not belonging is shown throughout the texts “Ancestors” & “10 Mary Street” by Peter Skrzynecki, “The stolen generation” composed by Kate Ross and lastly, “One Night The Moon” directed by Rachel Perkins.
Peter Skrzynecki’s poetry “Immigrant Chronicle” explores the concept of belonging and how as a migrant family from Germany attempts to fit into another culture and society. He writes about not belonging to his heritage as he feels disconnected and alienated by not knowing his background while living in Australia and learning about its heritage.
“Ancestors” by Peter Skrzynecki attempts to find meaning and purpose in one’s ancestry in order to feel a shared sense of family and culture. The poem indicates the concept of not belonging as he questions about his heritage, its importance and his connection to it. The style of writing in this poem implies that much of the action has occurred within a dream or dream – like state. In this poem the speaker poses a number of rhetorical question like “Who are these shadows/That hang over you in a dream - / The bearded, fearless men/ Standing shoulder to shoulder?” who he tries to seek answers about his ancestors in order for him to feel connected. Alliteration was used by repeating the ‘s’ sound in “faceless, darkness and footprints” gives it an eerie tone to the poem. Stanza six ushers in a change of tone as the speaker awakes from what appears to have been a dream. The prepositions change from ‘them’ to ‘you’ as the speaker addresses them directly.
The short story “Stolen Generation” by Kate Ross discovers the feeling of trying to belong in a family and culture as...