Shoe Horn Sonata

English assessment task 4_ speech

Images are made significant by the composers through their distinct writing styles. Their chosen form and respective textual features allow them to deliver their messages and place the responder in the scene of their text. The images are made possible by visual and literary representations. Dramatic features and humour are used to portray the ideas of heroism, reconciliation and atrocities of war in John Misto's “The Shoe-horn Sonata” and Bruce Beresford's “Paradise Road”.
The composers writing styles allow the responder to visualise their ideas and helps them get a better understanding of the texts. “The Shoehorn Sonata” is a play about two women who were prisoners of war in Japan in WWII . They are brought together after 50 years to be interviewed about their harsh experiences. The idea of heroism is clearly present throughout the play. The play incorporates many heroic deeds of the women during the war. This is evident in sccene 8 where we learn that Sheila sold herself to the Japanese guards in order to obtain quinine tablets to save Bridie's life. Bridie doesn't take this too well and implies that she wouldnt have done the same for Sheila. This is evident in Bridie's truncated line “I'd have starved for you. Died for you. Anything but...”. This makes the responder think and ask would you do the same for your friend?
This secret is revealed by Sheila when she returns Bridie's Shoe horn. The shoe horn symbolises various things throughout the play. At the beginning of the play it represents home and family to Bridie as it was given to her by her father before the war. It then comes to symbolise survival and the method that Bridie uses to keep Sheila awake in the ocean as they waited to be rescued. This is described by Bridie in scene 3 as “tap-tap-tap”. Then it comes to represent the secret of Bridie's sacrifice made for Sheila and the revelation of the secret. At the end of the play the shoe horn symbolises the...