Shc31 Communication

Outcome 1:   Understand why effective Communication is important in the work setting.

Communication is a method of how people respond to each other.   People communicate to socialise and to build relationships, they communicate to express their needs and to share experiences.   Communication can be used to reassure someone or to voice concerns, it can be touch, facial expressions, written communications as well as speech, sign and electronic messages. Through communication levels of trust, understanding and respect are earned.

Communication is vital in the building of relationships when working as part of a team.   If colleagues communicate with each other, information is shared as well as workloads and people work more effectively and productively.   Respecting the value of others is an essential part of a good working relationship within a team and by finding out people’s skills and training, knowledge can be passed on.
If colleagues are able to communicate and negotiate effectively, issues are easily overcome without conflict or are resolved far easier.

Outcome 2:   Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals.

A good relationship starts with communication, by using any current written information or where possible, gaining this via the persons preferred method, this might also come via a third party, Friends/Family.   Information about the person can start to be gathered and a relationship will start to be formed and the needs of the person can be met more effectively.  

Depending on how the person communicates will be key in understanding their wishes, needs and requirements.   Communication can depend on the ability of the individual to interact and might be in the form of sign or electronic devices, sometimes a persons needs are communicated via an advocate or they may be in a different Language, a persons age and development will also play a key role in their ability to...