Save the Tiger

Save the tigers

Man’s hunger remains unsatiated. He has swallowed forests, green belts and arable lands.   Man has misused and abused nature. Man’s villainy has brought untold miseries not only to mankind but also to the animal kingdom. Deforestation on a large scale and made the most beautiful animals – the tigers, homeless. Illegal hunting and massive poaching is wiping out the entire tiger population.
The number of tigers has fallen from 4334 in 1989to 3500 in 2004. In 2010 it has touched the rock bottom – just 1411. It is really a tragic story. The one of the most beautiful animals of this world is slowly but surely on the road to extinction. The healthy population of tigers is necessary to maintain the ecological balance in nature. If the number of tigers goes on falling, it will adversely affect the ecological balance. The need of the hour is to restore the population of tigers to the good old days. Let us mend our ways. Otherwise the national animal will disappear from our forests.
The government must take effective and prompt steps to save the tiger. Illegal hunting and poaching must be strongly dealt with. Poachers must be given exemplary punishments. Forest guards must be given latest weapons to deal with the criminals. Forest reserves should remain untouched. Deforestation should be immediately stopped. Reforestation on a large scale is the need of the hour. Let us save the national animal. Let us save our national pride – THE INDIAN TIGER.



Dear Editor:
Sir,Children are assets of our country .They should enjoy their childhood and not work in any hazardous jobs. Child labour remains a serious problem in many parts of the world . Many of these children live in underdeveloped countries. There living conditions are crude and there chances for educations is minimal.
Child labour, designation formerly applied to the practice of employing young children in factories, non used to denote the employment of minors generally, especially...