
1.1 Research and explain in your own words the following

Working together to safeguard children (2013)
Children Act ( 2004)
The Munro report
Every child matters framework
United Nations Rights of the Child. – identify 4 rights concerning safety of child
Your settings Safeguarding policy.

1.2 Research and explain the roles the following agencies have in safeguarding     children and young people.

Child line NSPCC
Social services Child psychologist
Health visitor Police

3.1 Describe the meaning of the four types of abuse – physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. Give at least 3 examples of the physical signs and the behaviour signs of each type of abuse.

3.2 Create an E – safety information poster for parents and carers highlighting the risks and possible consequences for children and young people using the internet, mobile phones, cyber bullying and other technologies

3.3 Please read and answer the following case studies -

  1. Chris works as a teaching assistant in a local primary school.   As a group of year 5 children were getting ready for PE, Chris notices bruising in lines across the back of a boy called Marc.   He asked Marc how he hurt himself but he said, “It’s nothing” and quickly pulls down his top.   As Marc left the room he approached Chris and said “please don’t say anything to Mom, or Uncle Paul will be cross with me”.

What would you do in this situation?
What would be your role within placement in dealing with this scenario?

  2. At break time you enter the toilets and witness Daisy using a pair of scissors to cut into   her arm she quickly puts the scissors away and hurries out of toilets and into the playground.

What would you do in this situation?
What would be your role within placement in dealing with this scenario?

3.4 Within your supportive role in your setting, you are concerned a member of staff regularly makes detrimental comments to one child.   You have just witnessed this member of staff pulling the child...