Rome and China

Cultures | Political | Intellectual | Religions | Art/Architecture | Technology | Economic | Social |
The roman Republic | - Rivers were navigable and allowed travel for trade and military reasons- Rome was founded by Romulus in 753 B.C.E.Rome was proud to present itself as a refuge for exiles and outcasts.- Political power was primarily offered to those who had land.-Senate: or “council of elders” was created and consisted of wealthy or upper class people. - At first, Rome was a tyrannical state, but later, the tyranny was overthrown and it became a democracy.   -“Republic:   the period from 507-31 BCE, during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic roman senate.”-Had assembly of both rich and poor people. However, upper class votes counted more.- “Senate: A council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. Originally and advisory body to the early kings, in the era of the roman republic the senate effectively governed the roman state and the growing empire. Under the senate leadership, Rome conquered an empire of unprecedented extent in the lands surrounding the Mediterranean sea.”Members of the Senate served for life.- New political figures called tribunes could veto the actions of the assembly.- Empire encompassed the land around the Mediterranean sea.- Used army for expansion (much man power).- Conquered people still could have authority and rights within the empire.- Empire spread Roman culture.- Fought wars against Carthaginians.- Tried to occupy distant lands (colonize) but failed because Greeks that lived there so they just took over the surrounding area.- Most brilliant general- Julius Caesar. - Senators became governors of provinces._ Provincial administration was unsuccessful because having new governors every year did not allow the new governors to have experience or local contact.   - The growing number of people in poverty who were prone to riots came to be the ruin of the Roman Republic. – The shortage of peasant...