Roles and Responsibilities

Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector.

:-Review your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher/ in terms of the teaching training cycle.

There are many different roles and responsibilities that are taken on as teacher. The word teacher is the overall title, but within this many of us find that we are also counsellors, mentors, assessors and life coaches.

In today’s culture of learning we find ourselves within a very different world from what we may have experienced during our own education. Personally my own experience at school was not as pleasurable as it should have been. At that time teaching did not cater for the child learner who was unable to learn things as quickly as others. Presently, the training of students has seemed to improved greatly.

The profile of each student is known before they even walk into the first session, an initial assessment would have taken place and I will then know what cohort of student I am going to encounter. Within this initial assessment I would hope that there is a line of questioning to understanding of any religious, cultural or any physical disabilities that the learners may have, or whether any of the students have a learning difficulty. All of the information that has been gathered on the students will assist me in how they will design their course and at the correct level.

The first part of Kolbs’ learning cycle (Petty 2004) ‘Concrete Experience’ may be one of the criteria of the initial assessment. In one of the first sessions I would ask the students to write about why they are interested in the course and why they would like to do it. This would not only ascertain the literacy skills of the learner but also the motivation and commitment to learning. ‘Concrete Experience’ would also help me in the brickwork workshop to assess the practical ability of the new students as some students may have worked within the industry and already have a basic understanding of the subject.
