Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher

1. Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in Education and training

1.1 Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training
There are many roles and responsibilities in education, trying to inspire the students and try to develop their personal and professional skills to the best of their ability. Your ultimate aim is to enable the students to understand how to take responsibility for their own development. You can do this by planning, preparing, teaching and learning activities that take account of the needs and well-being of individual learners as well as groups of learners.
Identifying whether there is a need for a course, and would it be viable? Is there another similar course than runs locally and what the popularity is like, what is the time scale you have to work with, are you able to provide equipment to cater for the course and the financial side of covering costs.
Initial assessments should be carried out on the student to check their entry level and finding out what their learning style is as this would be beneficial to their learning, the student and yourself should then agree to a learning plan that is suitable to all as some courses require a prerequisite so this would need to be addressed. You would need to look at their ability during the initial assessment so they would be working are the right level that is appropriate to their learning.
Using the awarding body criteria, a scheme of work and lesson plans will be designed, they should be prepared with suitable activities and resources to cover the course requirements. A lesson plan is a detailed account of your teaching time from start to finish but it should also be flexible and adaptable enough to allow the delivery of the course should the teacher be absent, enabling someone else to cover.
Make sure you have you researched the topic of study and have sufficient data to compliment the workbooks and power points etc. The work should also be varied to...