Role of Media in Changing Our Daily Lives

Role of Media in Changing Our Daily Lives

  Media plays a crucial role in forming and reflecting public opinion. Whatever is flashed on television, announced on radio or published in black and white, people regard it as true. Hence we can proclaim it as a strong source of inspiration. At times, war was used as decisive factor for ruling a nation but now the picture has been altered. Principally pen is mightier than sword, hence it persuades all and sundry.

  Media is a great cause of providing awareness, education, Information and entertainment. It also plays a vital role in mental development of a nation. Various issues elevated on the media make people realize what is going on all over the world. Television often seems to be a babysitter for the children. Newspaper, television and radio frequently find to be a good companion for aged people. Over above internet is found to be the best source of information now a days.

  Besides the positive aspects of media. It also has a negative impact on society. Media playas big part in mobilizing a nation to evils. Television has big role in wasting time of students. Rumours spread by media for their own publicity create a great confusion and leave a bad impact about the host country on the other countries of the world.

  Inspite of being sensational and biased, the role of media cannot be neglected. From the onset media has no doubt done a lot. Media’s services despite its grey shades have its marvelous befitting outfit in modern scenario.