Rhetorical Devices

Devices Bias
The first example of bias in the speech would be when Kane labels the Governor Jim Getty’s rule as evil domination. This statement is only supported by personal opinion with no facts that support the argument.

Fallacies and Rhetorical Devices
The first example of a fallacy would be ad hominem. This is used when there is an argument that Kane has already predetermined to win as Governor. This is a fallacy because the election has not even started yet. Another fallacy would be when Kane said that he wanted to protect the underprivileged then he states that he is too busy to make specific promises
One type of rhetorical device used was expletive type by using short phrases. Another was Asyndeton type, where conjunction between words are omitted and carried out in the passage. Kane description of what type of person Getty is; he wanted the public to know that Getty was a corrupt person. The last rhetorical device is antithesis type, which is used in the passage about hope, specifically Getty's lack of hope and Kane's new hope.

Arguments and Counter Arguments
The speaker addresses arguments and counterarguments by supplying potential counterarguments of those who would disagree with him and then rebutting these oppositions with his own argument. For example, he anticipates that some people will object to these young men enlisting because of their age and innocence. He responds to this by arguing that mothers and fathers should consider what their land has given them. Because he believed he had no hope of being elected, he claims that there were no campaign promises made. As of that time he had the support of the working class and “ordinary” citizens, he believes that he has a chance so he “can implement the change that the community needs”.

Were the speaker’s arguments effective?
It clearly lacks substance but may be effective on to some on an emotional level. With many promises clearly undefined, rhetoric, and fallacies that would...