Review What Your Role, Responsibilities and Boundaries Would Be as a Teacher in Terms of the Teaching/Training Cycle.

Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle.   Analyse different ways in which you would establish ground rules with your learners which underpin appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

The roles and responsibilities of a teacher is to facilitate learning to everyone, to continually reassess development and change during the course and create a seamless transition to ensure a smooth delivery to the learners.   As the learner develops a better understanding of the aims and objectives, their needs change and this must be reflected in continual reassessment.   It is a teachers’ responsibility to monitor, educate and improve the quality and effectiveness of their delivery by taking into account the students changing needs.   The course structure and its delivery are responsibilities which require flexibility to reflect newly identified needs as seen in the teacher/training cycle.

A teacher should identify the learner’s needs and establish what they want to gain from what they are being taught.   It is important to establish if any of the learners have any special needs or requirements, this can be done on a one to one basis or a group discussion.   Records of the learners need to be maintained to ensure that the correct learning for each part of their skill has taken place and been understood.   It is the responsibility of the teacher to accommodate different learning styles as people learn in different ways, such as visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.   “Fleming claimed that visual learners have a preference for seeing (think in pictures; visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams, handouts, etc).   Auditory learners best learn through listening (lectures, discussions, tapes, etc).   Tactile/kinesthetic learners prefer to learn via experience - moving, touching, and doing (active exploration of the world; science projects; experiments, etc)” (